N.O.R.C. / AN: J23/ 2291/ 2013;            C.I.F.: RO 4020388
Sediu: Or. Voluntari, Bvd. Pipera 1 / I, Cladirea ADMAX, Jud. Ilfov
Pct. lucru: Str. G. Bacovia 3, Pipera
Tel.: +(40) 752 241 520
Restaurant / Eating house
Utilaje constructii / Constructions machinery
Inchirieri cladiri / Rent buildings
2009 - 2015 Adexim Modelcom SRL
        Activitatea principala a companiei o constituie distributia produselor din portofoliu catre clientii nostrii, firme ce actioneaza pe segmente de gross - retail - HoReCa.
       Adexim Modelcom SRL identifica nevoile partenerilor si clientilor si face eforturi sustinute in vederea satisfacerii acestora la standarde ce implica maximum de exigenta.
        De aceea nu incetam sa investim constant in oameni si tehnologie si ne mandrim cu o echipa puternica si dinamica sustinuta de o automatizare a fortei de vanzari prin achizitia de PALM-uri, o flota corespunzatoare de autoturisme si autoutilitare, depozite moderne si nu in ultimul rand o
retea informatica pentru gestionarea operatiunilor desfasurate.
        Distributia produselor din portofoliu se desfasoara pe raza Municipiului Bucuresti si a zonelor sale limitrofe.
        Ponderea mare a activitatii de distributie o reprezinta distributia de bere. Comercializam o gama larga de marci din aceasta categorie: Bergenbier, Staropramen, STELLA ARTOIS, BECK'S, NOROC, LOWENBRAU, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Corona Extra.
       Dincolo de activitatea de distributie de bere, Adexim Modelcom SRL comercializeaza o
gama variata de vinuri, bauturi alcoolice, racoritoare, ape minerale, dulciuri si cafea.
        Fara a dori enumerarea tuturor acestora amintim cateva podgorii, precum si marci de prestigiu de la producatori autohtoni sau straini: DOMENIILE TOHANI, CASA DE VINURI HUSI, COTNARIPURCARI, CRAMA CEPTURA, JIDVEI, Podgoria SILVANIA, STALINSKAYA, WEMBLEY Dry Gin, DISCOVERY, PASSION, SANIUTA, DROBETA, BANDERAS, Stolichnaya, LABEL 5, MONACO, ROSE MARY, Nemiroff, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, NESTEA, Cappy, Schweppes, pepsi, PRIGAT, Lipton, burn, DORNA, BORSEC, carpatina, AZUGA, Tusnad, Izvorul Zanelor, Izvorul Ascuns, ROSHEN, Cafea Fortuna.
        Toate aceste produse dar si altele sunt atent selectate pentru a asigura un portofoliu complet in concordanta cu cerintele si exigentele pietei, implicit pentru satisfacerea dorintelor clientilor nostrii.
        Alegand drept partener Adexim Modelcom SRL beneficiati de un colaborator de incredere, cu experienta, bonitate financiara, forta, flexibilitate, ce pune la dispozitia Dumneavoastra intreaga sa expertiza in domeniul in care actioneaza.
      >English>>    Company's main activity is the distribution of products from portfolio to our customers, companies that acts on gross - retail - HoReCa segments.
        Adexim Modelcom SRL identify the needs of partners and clients and make sustained efforts in order to meet their exacting standards involving maximum.
        Therefore we do not stop constantly invest in peoples and technology and we are proud of a strong and dynamic team supported by a sales force automation through the acquisition of PALMs, a corresponding fleet of cars and trucks, modern warehouses and not least a computer network management operations developed.
        Distribution of products from portfolio is held across Bucharest and its surrounding areas.
        This relatively high distribution activity is the distribution of beer. We sell a wide range of brands in this category: Bergenbier, Staropramen, Stella Artois, Beck's, NOROC, Löwenbräu, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Corona Extra.
        Beyond the beer distribution business, Adexim Modelcom SRL sells a wide range of wines, spirits, soft drinks, mineral water, sweets and coffee.
        Without listing them all would remember a few vineyards and prestigious brands from domestic and foreign producers: DOMENIILE TOHANI, CASA DE VINURI HUSI, COTNARIPURCARI, CRAMA CEPTURA, JIDVEI, Podgoria SILVANIA, STALINSKAYA, WEMBLEY Dry Gin, DISCOVERY, PASSION, SANIUTA, DROBETA, BANDERAS, Stolichnaya, LABEL 5, MONACO, ROSE MARY, Nemiroff, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, NESTEA, Cappy, Schweppes, pepsi, PRIGAT, Lipton, burn, DORNA, BORSEC, carpatina, AZUGA, Tusnad, Izvorul Zanelor, Izvorul Ascuns, ROSHEN, Cafea Fortuna.
        All these products but others are carefully selected to provide a complete portfolio in line with market requirements, thus to satisfy the desires of our customers.
        Choosing the right partner Adexim Modelcom SRL benefit from a reliable collaborator with experience, financial reliability, strength, flexibility, puts at your disposal all its expertise in the field of acting.